Because we read books pretty close - often only a few inches away - they are typically set at about 10 points.
16-pixel text on a screen is about the same size as text printed in a book or magazine this is accounting for reading distance.
This is much further than the distance at which we read printed text - most people do not hold magazines at arm’s length! In fact, 28 inches is the recommended distance, because this is where vergence is sufficiently low to avoid eye strain.
Most people, when sitting comfortably, are about 20 to 23 inches from their computer screens. The biggest factor that determines how far this distance can increase is font size. The greater the distance, the higher the overall legibility and comprehension are considered to be. The distance at which we can read letters is a common measure of both legibility and reading speed. Nearly 9% of Americans are visually impaired, meaning their vision cannot be completely corrected with lenses. At age 40, only half the light gets through to the retina as it did at age 20. If people won’t read it, or if they can’t read it or understand it, then what’s the point of having it? There are some particular findings that are pivotal to issues such as readership and readability and comprehension, which is really what body copy is all about. And the only way to tell them is with text. If you don’t explain what people should do, or why they should do it, then they certainly won’t. Especially the copy - because the copy is what convinces visitors to do whatever it is you want them to do on the website.
So, every element should be designed to achieve that goal. Whatever the case, it’s a business asset, and ultimately it has to generate a return on investment. Perhaps it’s to sell a product directly, or to offer a service, or just to generate leads.
If you’re building a website for someone - even yourself - chances are its purpose is to make money. Applying Macrotypography For A More Readable Web Page.10 Principles For Readable Web Typography.8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs.You see, in most cases, if you’re building websites with the font size set between 10 and 15 pixels, you are costing your clients money.