You can draw this paint with some more rounded lines, and you can distinguish the bristles from the paint by adding some lines onto the bristles. The base of it will be drawn with some curved lines that lead to some paint gathered at the end of the bristles. This part of the brush will connect to the end of the metallic part that you drew in the previous step.
Paintbrush drawings how to#
We will add these in this thirst step of our guide on how to draw a paintbrush. Having a brush handle is all well and good, but it wouldn’t be a very good brush without some bristles. That will take care of the outline for the handle, and in the next part we will work on the bristles of the brush.

To draw this part, simply draw some more slightly curved lines that culminate in another one of those small, thin shapes that you drew at the base of the wooden part of the brush’s handle.

This metallic section will generally connect the handle to the actual bristles of the brush. You’ve drawn the wooden part of the handle, and now we will be adding the shorter metallic portion of your paintbrush drawing. Step 2 – Next, draw some more of the handle Once you have drawn this wooden part of the handle, you can move on to the next step so we can continue with this drawing. The handle itself will be drawn with some very slightly curved lines that culminate at a point on the end. There will also be a ridge at the base of it that you can draw with a thin, rounded shape. This part of the handle will be the wooden part that you will actually hold in your fingers as you paint. To kick off this guide on how to draw a paintbrush, we will be starting with the handle of the brush. How to Draw A Paintbrush – Let’s get Started! Step 1